
Posts tagged grievance
An Open Letter on Systemic Misgendering at MIT

Trans and gender-expansive students and employees, at best, cannot have their identities be accurately reflected in MIT’s systems of record. At worst, the current use and solutions proposed by MIT continue to forcibly out trans and gender-expansive folks to employees all across campus–from housing employees to PE instructors to academic administrators. I have been unknowingly and forcibly outed to fellow students and co-workers. Students in my residence have been unknowingly and forcibly outed as transgender to me in my role as a graduate resident advisor. We, trans and gender-expansive MIT community members, urge MIT to treat this matter with the urgency, care, and resources that it deserves...

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Step 3 Grievance Pushes MIT to Restore Commute Subsidies

The Commute Subsidies article was one of the articles in our contract that our union fought hard for. Many graduate workers commute regularly by bus and train in Cambridge and Boston, so the 70% T-pass subsidy that we won represents money back in the pockets of workers, and a more accessible and equitable campus. However, in the months after contract ratification, many workers found that they were being denied the full 70% subsidy.

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