


Media Committee

The Media Committee will help with developing media for the UE Local 256 MIT Graduate Student Union. Media includes but is not limited to posters, social media posts, pamphlets, newsletters, videos, and photographs.

Current members:

  • Recording Secretary Deepti Kannan (chair)

  • Ilani Axelrod-Freed

  • Hanna Mularczyk

  • Nomi Yu

  • Vacancy

  • Vacancy

  • Vacancy

Membership Committee

This committee is tasked with leading efforts to (1) sign up new employees as union members and (2) enforce our agency shop by following up with workers who owe back dues or fees to set up payments. This work will be done in close collaboration with the Local Executive Board and the steward network. Additionally, this committee shall be in charge of checking membership status of all attendees at each General Membership Meeting.

Current members:

  • Vice President Nadia Zaragoza (chair)

  • Kristen Ammons

  • Gabe Cutter 

  • Hana Flores 

  • Baltasar Dinis

  • Ruth Hanna

  • Vacancy

Unity Committee

The committee's responsibility is to foster unity among workers by acting as mediators in interpersonal conflicts when workers and stewards seek additional support. Its primary function is to help workers engage in meaningful dialogue to reach a mutual understanding and agreement on their collaborative work efforts. Participation in this process is voluntary, and there is an expectation of privacy, although no member is bound to confidentiality.

Current members:

  • Maggie Hughes (chair)

  • Angela Lin

  • Olivier Kigotho

  • Natalie Chapman

  • Vacancy

Interested in hearing more about or joining a committee?

Come to a General Membership Meeting!