Welcome to the MIT Graduate Student Union!
We are a democratic organization of graduate student-workers across all MIT departments and graduate programs, using our collective power to fight for the interests of all MIT graduate workers.
Pic N’ Quotes!
Federal Funding Cuts
The federal government’s attacks on NIH and other funding could create a shortfall for MIT exceeding $30-35 million annually. This devastating cut is an attack on scientific research and an urgent threat to graduate worker jobs.
Click Here to join the Organizing Network and get involved in the fight for our research and our jobs!
Click Here (bit.ly/gsu-pnq) to submit a Pic N’ Quote and contribute to our campaign to publicize the importance of the research work that we and other workers at MIT perform.
Check out the media below from MIT GSU’s participation in the Feb 19 National Day of Action, where hundreds of graduate workers, researchers, scientists, and federal employees stood together against this administration's attacks.
Graduate workers can visit us at the Union Headquarters during open hours:
UE Local 256 Headquarters
552 Massachusetts Ave
Suite 204
Cambridge, MA 02139
Mon: 10am-3pm
Wed: 11am-3:30 pm
Thurs: 2pm-7pm
Fri: 10am-2pm